Challenge Description
Find the password (say PASS) and enter the flag in the form HTB{PASS}
This challenge is reverse engineering and we are asked to find a correct password.
Let’s check the file type.
file EasyPass.exe
EasyPass.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, 8 sections
Now, for analysis let’s use a debugging tool. I used ida.
When opening the file, choose 32-bit and Intel 80386 options.
Then, you can see many functions in the file.
If you scroll it down to the end, you will see the function called Button click.
Let’s see the inside of the function.
There are eax and edx having string values.
If you connect the strings it becomes fortran!
If you hover over the code 004540E1, it is a ! mark.
And if you continue reading, there’s a good job congrats message.
So, we can assume it is the correct password.
So, the complete flag will be HTB{fortan!}